Sunday, September 21, 2008

Paris Hilton works hard

This might be hard to swallow for some of you, but coming from the heiress herself, Paris feels that the general consensus that she doesn't really work hard at all is the biggest misconception about her. Paris speaking: "The one that 'she doesn't work,'" "I am literally running a huge corporation. I have my clothing lines, my champagne, my watches, shoes and purses and dog clothes -- every sort of product you can imagine. I am doing movies. I am doing my record right now, producing, starring in a TV show. So it is a 24-hour, seven day-a-week job. I work all the time, so I laugh when I hear people say that." Although yeah, to some extend that might be true. Still it doesn't really take off people's minds that everything she does seems like for fun, cause she already was born a gazillionare.

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